8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. Food Network
2. CSI
3. 90210
4. FBI files/New Detective all those shows
5. Life
6. Survivor
7. How I Met Your Mother
8. The Hills
Really there are too many to list, I watch too dang much tv.
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Got dressed to workout but didn't.
2. Went to the mall.
3. Cleaned the garage.
4. Went to Golden Spoon, THE BEST!!
5. My visiting teachers came over.
6. Ran errands.
7. Ate yummy grilled teriyaki pork chops for dinner.
8. Watched the Hills Tivoed from Monday night.
8 Things I Look Forward to:
2. Going on a cruise in April
3. Starting work at Costco for the season.
4. Twilight, I can't wait!!!
5. Losing weight for our family photos
6. Thanksgiving @ my moms in Lehi.
7. Taking the girls trick or treating, they are so excited.
8. Eternity with my family!!
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. The Melting Pot
2. Cheesecake Factory
3. PF Changs
4. Pancake House in McCall, ID
5. Benihana
6. Mesa Grill LV, NV Bobby Flays
7. The Grove LV, NV
8. BJ's LV, NV gotta love the pizookie(sp) so yum!!
8 Things on My Wish List:
1. A new watch
2. To be able to eat whatever I want and not gain weight(I heart food)
3. To build our dream home
4. To take some photography classes
5. For my family to be happy and healthy
6. A whole new wardrobe including shoes and accessories.
7. To go to New York and see a different Broadway play every night!!
8. To take a trip every year with my hubby
8 People to Tag:
The first eight people on my friends list!!
5 days ago