Wednesday, October 29, 2008

8 things Tag

8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. Food Network
2. CSI
3. 90210
4. FBI files/New Detective all those shows
5. Life
6. Survivor
7. How I Met Your Mother
8. The Hills
Really there are too many to list, I watch too dang much tv.

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Got dressed to workout but didn't.
2. Went to the mall.
3. Cleaned the garage.
4. Went to Golden Spoon, THE BEST!!
5. My visiting teachers came over.
6. Ran errands.
7. Ate yummy grilled teriyaki pork chops for dinner.
8. Watched the Hills Tivoed from Monday night.

8 Things I Look Forward to:
2. Going on a cruise in April
3. Starting work at Costco for the season.
4. Twilight, I can't wait!!!
5. Losing weight for our family photos
6. Thanksgiving @ my moms in Lehi.
7. Taking the girls trick or treating, they are so excited.
8. Eternity with my family!!

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. The Melting Pot
2. Cheesecake Factory
3. PF Changs
4. Pancake House in McCall, ID
5. Benihana
6. Mesa Grill LV, NV Bobby Flays
7. The Grove LV, NV
8. BJ's LV, NV gotta love the pizookie(sp) so yum!!

8 Things on My Wish List:
1. A new watch
2. To be able to eat whatever I want and not gain weight(I heart food)
3. To build our dream home
4. To take some photography classes
5. For my family to be happy and healthy
6. A whole new wardrobe including shoes and accessories.
7. To go to New York and see a different Broadway play every night!!
8. To take a trip every year with my hubby

8 People to Tag:
The first eight people on my friends list!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Aubrey's picture, Corn maze and Lacey's glasses

Aubrey's 1st grade picture
All of us

Cousin Skyler, Jentry and Lacey so cute

In the Corn

Lacey and Aubrey in the mini maze

Lacey in her new glasses

We went to the pumpkin patch and corn maze on Saturday. We have never gone through the corn maze and with three little girls I don't know if it was the best idea. "I'm tired", "I'm hungry", "I have to go potty", "I'm scared", just a few of the constant complaints of our two hours trying to escape the maze. We still had fun and I'm sure will do it in the years to come.

Our camping trip

The whole Fam

Gettin ready for smores

Foil dinners, yum

Last friday Jeremy decided that we were going to set up the tent in the backyard and go camping. We had tin foil dinners, a camp fire, smores and read stories. Both Aubrey and Lacey fell asleep but Jentry would not go to sleep so I had to bring her inside, what a stinker but a good excuse for me to not have to sleep out in the freezing cold. The girls loved it, we all had a blast.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall walk and stuff

Last week Aubrey had Thursday and Friday off and for her class she had to take a fall walk, collect leaves and make a book. It was a perfect fall day and the girls had so much fun. Here are some pictures from that.
We also went to a 50th birthday for our friend Lori. She celebrated it with another one of her friends who turned 50. Lori is white and she is black so they did an ebony and ivory theme. It was alot of fun. We got dressed up in black and white, ate great food and even did karaoke. We had a blast!
Also update on Lacey's eyes. We took her to the doctor this last Saturday and come to find out she is very farsighted, worse than Jeremy. So we ordered her two pair of glasses that she will have to wear all the time. They look pretty dang cute on her and she is super excited. They should be here in the next couple days, so I will post picture's then.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My first tag!

Husband Tag:

1. What's his name? Jeremy

2. How many years have we been married? 8 1/2 years on the 21st

3. How long did you date? We met Oct. 10th, got engaged Jan. 1st, and married April 21st, so maybe 5 months.

4. How old is he? 31 for another month :)

5. Who eats more? He does, usually

6. Who said "I Love You" first? Jeremy

7. Who is taller? He is

8. Who sings better? We did karaoke last night and we both sounded pretty dang good! (He was Danny from Grease in high school :)

9. Who is smarter? For sure him, I'm not saying I'm dumb but he remembers everything!

10. Who does the laundry? I don't think he even knows where the washer and dryer are ;)

11. Who pays the bills? He makes the money, I take care of the finances.

12. Who mows the lawn? He does

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do now, but I just alsways sleep farthest from the door so he can save me from the bad guys.

14. Who cooks dinner? I do unless we are barbecueing, having people over or pancakes or waffles

15. Who drives? For sure Jeremy, he has a thing about that!

16. Who is more stubborn? Completely me

17. Who kissed who first? Jeremy

18. Who asked who out first? Jeremy

19. Who proposed? He did and so glad he did :)

20. Who has more friends? He does

21. Who is more sensitive? Me

22. Who has more siblings? He does barely. He has 7 sisters and 1 brother. I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers.

23. Who wears the pants? For sure me. Every once in a while I let him try them on ;).

24. Is he handy around the house? Very

25. His hobbies or favorite activities. Golfing, concrete, cooking, football, Da Bears, anything with his girls, going on vacations, date nights

I tag Stephanie, Danielle and Erin.